
Does running really make you age faster?

Having a “runner's face” is an expression that is taken with a great deal of distance in the running world. On the other hand, it seems to be freaking out the web. On social media platforms, one concern emerges after another. One might even wonder whether it makes sense to continue running. 

"Runner's face” refers to a wrinkled, gaunt face. The conventional wisdom? That when you run, your facial features sag “due in particular to the impact of your feet on the ground”, reports La Dépêche. We therefore wrongly associate certain faces and their characteristics with physical activities, prompting us to stop taking part in this or that sport.  

“People confuse cause and correlation here. What we call 'the runner's face' is often correlated with a person's profile and lifestyle. But running doesn't specifically give someone a gaunt face,” points out American cosmetic surgeon and triathlete Dr Kiya Movassaghi on the Healthline website, relayed by La Dépêche. 

Running is an outdoor sport, however, it's advisable to protect your skin as much as possible, in particular with good sun protection. Running in the city when pollution levels are low is also a good way to avoid damaging the skin. 

(MH with AsD - Source : La Dépêche - Illustration : Unsplash)

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