For Putin, “the special military operation is on the road to victory”
Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has also admitted that his country is spending 2.5% more of its gross domestic product on arms than before the war in Ukraine.
“The defense minister said that we spend 6.3% of our GDP on defense and strengthening our military potential. That's a lot of money, about 2.5% of GDP more than before,” said the Kremlin leader, addressing the top brass of the Russian army and defense ministry.
In addition, Russia seized 189 Ukrainian towns in 2024, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, said in the speech.
“Russian troops have a strategic initiative along the entire line of contact in Ukraine and are on the road to victory,” he declared. “I would like to emphasize that the year just ended was a pivotal one in achieving the objectives of the special military operation,” he added, making sure to use the Russian term to refer to the conflict in Ukraine.
(MH with AmBar/Source: Agency/Photo: DPA/Russian Look/Kremlin Pool)