Study reveals the secrets of women's happiness
Does women's happiness come from doing more sports, improving their sexuality, eating a balanced diet or finding a job that's perfectly suited to their needs? Researchers at Princeton University have demonstrated that what increases women's happiness.
According to the study, what increases women's happiness is gardening and gardening within the home.
This is according to the university study which, after testing 15 different activities practiced by women, found that gardening and growing plants and vegetables provide women with as many emotional benefits as taking a walk or eating in a good restaurant.
In fact, one of the study's authors, Anu Ramaswami, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Princeton Environmental Institute notes that “gardening at home and horticulture provide us with the health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables, encourage physical activity and promote emotional well-being”.
What's for more, gardening cultivates many of the virtues that have always been associated with leading a good life, such as consistency, patience, humility and gratitude.
(MH with MaSi/Source: Agency/Photo: Apostolas Vamsvouras)