Historic inflation weakens Russian economy
Inflation hasn't spared Russia. At his end-of-year press conference, Vladimir Putin himself acknowledged that inflation, a key indicator of an overheating economy, was a problem.
Officially, inflation in Russia is expected to reach 8-8.5%, double the target of 4%. Other estimates suggest it could be even higher.
Research firm ROMIR reported a year-on-year inflation rate of 22.1% in September, while official data shows an increase of 9.67%. Their analysis is based on the price of several consumer goods.
The price of butter, for example, increased by 25.7% between January 1 and October 28, leading some supermarkets to put their butter in plastic containers and import butter from Belarus and Turkey.
(MH with AmBar/Source: Agency/Photo: Nikita Karimov/Unsplash)