
According to the Americans, this is what the face of God would look like

Psychologists at the University of North Carolina have taken an interest in God's appearance. 

To find out how American Christians represent God, psychologists showed several faces to a sample of 522 people. They then merged the results to draw the final face, the one that's supposed to represent Americans' image of God, reports Belgian media RTBF

At the end of the experiment, researchers found that the face chosen by the group of Christians was much more feminine and youthful than the one traditionally presented on TV. They also found that the political convictions of the Americans surveyed influenced the way they saw God. 

Liberals, for example, see God as nurturing and feminine, while conservatives see him as Caucasian and all-powerful. In all cases, God is a man for the Christians surveyed. The psychologists also explain that “as expected, perceptions of God's face are influenced by egocentrism. Older participants saw an older God, more attractive participants saw a more attractive God and African-Americans saw a slightly more African-American God”.

(MH with AsD - Source: RTBF - Illustration: Unsplash)

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