
France must stand up to Putin

In an interview with LCI, the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, declared that it was essential to continue the fight against the Russian aggressor and to do so without resorting to co-belligerence or war.

A few months ago, Stéphane Séjourné took advantage of this speech to remind people that France must be firm, maintain its positions and stand up to Russia in order to protect the French and European population and its interests. "We're at a tipping point that must lead us to stand up to Russia and we must play the balance of power to protect the French, protect the Europeans... Our conviction is that we must continue to support Ukraine".

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also sounded the alarm by reminding people that the destabilization of Ukraine would have disastrous consequences for "everyone". It's therefore essential, according to him, to put Russia in check in order to avoid the escalation of a wider conflict at all costs.

(MH with Manon Pierre - Source: Linfo.re - Illustration: Unsplash)

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