De Poolse Tina Stokolska was enkele jaren terug op zoek naar een methode om wat te doen aan haar overgewicht. Om na de feestdagen eind 2013 haar lichaam volledig te ontgiften, probeerde ze het fruititariërdieet. Een week wou ze niets anders eten dan fruit.
De methode beviel haar zo dat ze vanaf 2015 besloot om vol voor het fruitdieet te gaan: ze verhuisde naar Bali. Vandaaruit ging ze op zoek naar zeldzame en unieke vruchten.
Al meer dan drie jaar eet ze niets anders dan fruit. Met spectaculaire gevolgen voor haar gewicht: dat ging van 83 kilogram naar 51! Op het Instagramaccount fit_shortie_eats kan haar zoektocht die ze samen met haar Belgische partner Simon Beun onderneemt, worden gevolgd.
Bij de Britse tabloid The Sun geeft Tina toe dat het gewichtsverlies niet het enige leuke is aan het fruitdieet: ze hoeft nooit meer haar tanden te poetsen, want alle vezels in het fruit doen al het werk.
(Fausto by Tagtik/Source: The Sun, HLN/Picture: Pixabay)
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Part 2 of 2 ✨ If only I could only explain what a difference the ten years made - at 29 I felt like I had the body of a 60 year old and was extremely miserable in my head. At 39 I feel light - both mentally and physically. I feel more alive than ever. At all times of the day I feel race ready - I can just get up and run, I have so much energy I can keep up with sporty 20 year olds on a 5h trail. A lot of it was mental - thro yoga I found the divine state of self-love, not just self-acceptance. Yes, it would have been ideal if I found self-acceptance for myself in the 83kg body. Im sorry to say that for me that just seemed like an impossible circus trick to pull - I hated myself too much back then. The mental and physical transformation had to happen simultaneously. But back to fruit. The first fruitarian I found on Youtube was Freelee who Im super grateful for to this day. I jumped on the fruit wagon, ate 30 bananas and exercised for 2hrs a day - I believed that if I copied her, one day I would wake up and look exactly like her. I felt amazing on fruit, looked years younger, but the excess weight wouldn’t budge. Even after 2 years fruitarian I was still on the verge of obese on the BMI scale weighing 12kg (27 lbs) more than I do now. If you followed me here on Insta back then - this is why you didn’t see a single pic of me - I was too embarrassed to be the world’s only fat fruitarian. It was more Fat Shortie than Fit Shortie. Real life was worse - how many times at the table I was ridiculed for eating so much sugar by stick-thin girlfriends on the paleo diet. Being overweight I felt helpless as a fruitarian ambassador, but I wasn’t going to quit just yet. So what was I doing wrong? SLEEP (and the sun exposure needed for sleep). The moment I moved to Bali and made a few lifestyle tweaks - all the extra weight melted off effortlessly in just 2 months! Who would have thought something as simple as sleep was the one thing I needed for weight loss? ✨ Intrigued? If you want to know the science behind sleep and weight-loss, go to our Patreon where I continue this lengthy post, sharing my sleep for weight-loss results in detail! See you there, link in bio!
Een bericht gedeeld door Rare Fruit Hunters (@fit_shortie_eats) op 9 Sep 2018 om 4:47 (PDT)
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